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Following the clouds above my head

Why do I want to travel? What does spending money to go somewhere do for me?

Whenever I get the idea of going outside for the day, the heart just feels different from normal, making myself believing that its not just because of the fear of going outside but for the reasons that this may be how it feels to answer the call of an adventure. To think that there is this heavy feeling inside that I want to do this and I will. I'm sure some of our readers will feel the same.

For a long time I have been dreaming that one day, the next, and the latter, I would be going to places not just the usual well heard ones but also the ones that we rarely hear about. Far flung places leading simple yet happy lives, free from the hustle and bustle of the city doing away with what technology is there to aid them. These places that barely reach the tourists eye but does not struggle far from what our favorite destinations have to offer. It is with this mindset that I choose to put myself out there, to go on planned and unplanned trips from time to time.

To bring people out to see and feel how it feels to give yourself a day to do something that you would never feel like doing in your life. To meet different extraodinary people whom I may never be able to talk to again at least for sometime but knows how much we appreciated each others company in the short span of time given in my travels.

As a student waiting for his graduation day, my career life is about to begin, its going to be heavy and consuming but I believe in living a balanced life just as how it was taught to us in college. To develop yourself as a person in more ways than one. Holistic development as it is called. Effort comes into place but hey, we only live once and while we're young its best to do as much as we can before we start slowing down right?

So with this first entry, a dedication to living life as how I would want it to be. To record the travels I experience by myself or with my friends and their friends. This is a travel log. My travel log. : )


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